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WATCH: Durham Shuts Down Unhinged Democrat With Pure Class After He Attacks His ‘Reputation’

WATCH: Durham Shuts Down Unhinged Democrat With Pure Class After He Attacks His ‘Reputation’

(trendingpoliticsnews) – Wednesday morning, Special Counsel John Durham testified on Capitol Hill to the House Judiciary Committee, discussing the findings of his investigation into the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) politically-charged Trump-Russia probe.

Fielding questions from members of the House Judiciary Republicans, Durham contended that, in his team’s investigation, clear political bias was uncovered, and accountability is necessary for the Bureau to regain the public’s trust.

Durham was also forced to answer unhinged questions from Democrat lawmakers. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) went after Durham for looking into the truth of the Trump-Russia hoax, claiming that his reputation will now be damaged as a result.

“Your reputation will be damaged, as everybody’s reputation who gets involved with Donald Trump is damaged,” Cohen seethed. “He’s damaged goods, there is no good dealing with him, because you will end up on the bottom of a pyre.”

Durham shot back with a classy response, saying, “My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I’m perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir!”


Durham also fielded questions from a plethora of other Democrats, including Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who infamously suggested the evidence of Trump’s so-called collusion with Russia was “very clear” even after the Durham Report’s release.

After a particularly pathetic line of questioning by Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-TX), House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan caused Democrats to throw a fit on the House floor by openly mocking them with a hilarious smirk on his face.

“You had 8 text messages with the Attorney General of the United States in an 11-month time period? That’s amazing!” Jordan said.

“That is absolutely inappropriate,” said the Democrat Chairwoman.

“I was just pointing out something that I think is so, so ridiculous,” Jordan responded.




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