Home Uncategorized NEW: Investigative Journalist Reveals Hunter’s Lawyer Did Not Deny ‘Smoking Gun’ 2017 Meeting

NEW: Investigative Journalist Reveals Hunter’s Lawyer Did Not Deny ‘Smoking Gun’ 2017 Meeting

NEW: Investigative Journalist Reveals Hunter’s Lawyer Did Not Deny ‘Smoking Gun’ 2017 Meeting

(trendingpoliticsnews) – Senior reporter for Real Clear Investigations and investigative journalist Paul Sperry observed a number of underreported facts about the Biden family corruption and cover-up scandals. Mr. Sperry tweeted that “[i]n latest letter to House investigators, Hunter lawyer Abbe Lowell does NOT deny Hunter partner Bobulinski met in May 2017 w Joe Biden @ Beverly Hilton to discuss joint Chinese venture. Lowell only denies they ended up doing “business” (Bidens screwed Bobulinski out of deal).”

Tony Bobulinski was a former business partner of James and Hunter Biden who worked directly with the two on a 2017 China energy deal. Bobulinski relayed that he once met with Joe Biden in May 2017 as part of his business discussions about a deal with Chinese energy firm CEFC. Bobulinski released his business records and publicly revealed these stories about the family back in 2020. He did so because Joe Biden lied about never being involved in his son’s business dealings.

CBS News revealed that Bobulinski was never asked to testify before a grand jury despite being willing to do so. Lowell’s lack of denial over such a meeting between Joe Biden and Bobulinski appears to grant even greater credibility toward Bobulinski’s account.

Paul Sperry also commented about the media covering up for Joe Biden’s other scandals such as his classified documents scandal. He wrote “CNN claims comparing Biden’s docs case to Trump’s case isn’t “fair” b/c Trump stored docs “in a bathroom” & had his “butler” move boxes around. But Biden stored highly classified docs in rooms w NO LOCKS & had his secretary Kathy Chung move boxes in her car to several locations.”

Sperry reminded his readers that “[s]ince Biden declared “there’s no there there” re his own classified docs scandal six (6) months ago, the Washington press corps has taken his word and not covered it. Complete blackout of Special Counsel Hur’s probe [of Biden’s documents scandal]. All the leaks and reporting coming from the Trump investigation.”

This cover-up operation is not confined to the halls of the corporate press but is also at play on Capitol Hill itself. As Sperry previously reported, “Hill sources say Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman of Manhattan — who prosecuted the first Trump impeachment and has been bragging to reporters about sabotaging GOP investigations of the Bidens — has privately consulted with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over indicting Trump.”

This breaking news by Mr. Sperry occurred in the lead-up to the actual indictment of former president Donald Trump. Paul Sperry’s investigative work has traditionally been pretty solid and ahead of its time. He for instance tweeted about Jack Smith not having the Iran memo and it not being among the 31 records that Trump was indicted over by the Department of Justice way before CBS found out the same.

See his tweet about that here.

Recent reporting about aspects of the China energy deal involving Gal Luft and its cover-up was covered by Sperry back on March 15th.



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